 Website Links of Interest - Part Two GENERAL SEARCH ENGINES - Alexa Web Search - analyzes site traffic including ranking, global users, pages linking to the site, and links to related pages
of interest.
- AllTheWeb - returns results quickly from a database gathered by the Yahoo! crawler; offers multimedia and news searches.
- AltaVista - searches Web sites with advanced Boolean and field search options.
- Babel Fish, the AltaVista translation service.
- AOL Search - engine that defaults to AND logic and offers an Options template for easy search
- construction; has an option to view results by popularity; offers a directory based on
the Open Directory
- Ask.com - general search engine enhanced by a number of specialty searches including
- a dictionary, thesaurus, currency converter, encyclopedia, maps, news and more
- BananaSlug - uses the Google search mechanism and seeds your search with
- a random word from the category of your choice to return unusual results
- Bing
- Microsoft engine that organizes results into topic categories and offers related search suggestions; multimedia and other
deep Web searches are - also available.
Bing focuses on searches related to making a purchase decision, planning a trip, researching a health condition,
and finding a local business
- ChaCha - search engine that offers live human guides to help answer queries
- Cuil - searches a very large index of Web pages and includes thumbnails of sites in its search results
- Exalead - offers concept clustering of results, thumbnail images of retrieved sites, and
- customization options such as organization of results by file type, geography or modification
- Factbites - searches for full topic matches and returns meaningful, full sentence excerpts of sites in its results list
- Google - Web's most popular search engine that uses PageRank and other methods to rank results. Also
- check out EcoSmartSearch.com, a Google-powered search engine with a black background display
- that saves energy. Google offers a number of Services that are worth exploring, including:
- Google Blog Search, for searching blog entries
- Google Book Search, for searching the full text of books from most publishers in the U.S.
- Google Directory, for searching the Google version of the Open Directory
- Google Scholar, offers the full text, abstracts, and/or citations to scholarly materials including books, journal articles, documents in
academic repositories and the free Web. This link will allow you to access the full text of articles in journals to which
the Libraries subscribe when you are off campus.
- Google U.S. Government Search, a searchable database of U.S.
- government Web
sites (.gov and .mil) ranked by link popularity
- Searchmash Google's experimental general search tool
- Hakia - organizes results into a variety of categories, including "credible sites"
- recommended by librarians; derives results from the Ask.com index
- IceRocket - offers searches of the Web, blogs, and other sources, creates an RSS feed of
- search results, tracks search terms cited in blog postings, and offers a free RSS builder
- iSEEK Education - offers authoritative resources from university, government, and established non commercial
- providers; organizes results into concept clusters, and also allows users to
recommend and rate sites
- KoolTorch - returns results organized by graphical icons into general
- category
clusters that, in turn, generate results within that category
- Lycos - general search engine that also offers searches of a few deep
- Web content sources including people look-up, yellow pages, and multimedia
- Quintura - displays a type of tag cloud with keywords related to your search that can be selected to generate new results
- SearchEdu.com - service that limits results to the .edu, domain; also offers
- to search well-known dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, etc. See also:
- SearchGov.com - .gov domain
- SearchMil.com - .mil domain
- SnappyFingers - searches millions of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for answers to user queries
- Sproose - searches Yahoo! and allows users to comment on and vote on its search results
- Ujiko - features a number of results customization tools in a visual
- environment that also offers topic classification for subsequent searches
- Webbrain - offers results in visual layout of related terms for subsequent searching
- Wolfram|Alpha enter a question or calculation, and Wolfram|Alpha
- uses
its built-in algorithms and own collection of data to compute the answer
- Yahoo! - portal with a general Web search and many other content services
 META SEARCH ENGINES - Browsys offers Search Assistant for searching numerous sources including the social and the deep Web;
- Virtual Folders allow users to create, save and bookmark custom folders containing
up to 12 favorite sites
- Cacti Search - search Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask, and retrive a collated
- results
list with an option to view results from each engine separately
- Clusty - clusters results from a variety of surface and deep Web sources and organizes them into clusters by
- topic, site or URL; also offers a variety of customization options, including
the creation of a Clusty Cloud
- Dogpile - search numerous search engines and presented collated results; also
- presents concept clusters for viewing results organized by keywords or topics
- iBoogie - offers searches of the Web and multimedia, and supplies real-time concept clustering of results
- Ixquick - ranks results based on top ten rankings from the source sites; allows
- any type of search syntax and will translate and direct your search accordingly
- Kartoo - categorizes content into relevant concepts and sites and displays
- results on a graphical map; requires Flash or offers an HTML version
- Keotag - type a keyword or phrase and select your results from the general Web and the past
- 30 days of blog postings from numerous blog aggregators; you can subscribe to an RSS feed
- to track this search or create an OMPL file with
your tag from all feeds.
- Mamma - retrieve results from numerous sources; also offers search suggestions related to your search
- MetaCrawler - retrieve results from four major search engines; also offers search suggestions related to your search
- Monster Crawler - simultaneously searches Google, Yahoo!, LiveSearch and Ask; offers suggestions for related searches
- Own Mine - searches major search engines and offers the option to chat with users conducting similar searches
- SurfWax - offers options to see a quick view of sites in the search results list to determine relevancy and choose
- alternative search terms for a subsequent search from a thesaurus; offers personalization
options; offers
- SurfWax LookAhead with "Dynamic Search Navigation" that retrieves results from RSS feeds as you type various kinds of queries
- Trexy - tracks "trails" of the Web pages visited and therefore valued by other searchers
- Add Engine to extend the range of the search engines that Trexy uses
- URL.com - returns the top ten results from Google, Yahoo! and MSN, and allows users to comment on and vote on the results
- Virtual Learning Resources Center - searches several high quality directories; also offers its own directory
- WhoNu - semantic tool that searches a large number of resource types, including deep Web sources, and suggests alterate topics
- ZapMeta - searches a handful of sources, and offers concept clusters for organizing search results
- Zuula - searches the Web, images, news, blogs and jobs postings, and
- returns results from multiple search tools in configurable separate tabs
SEARCH ENGINE COLLECTIONS - SearchBug.com - offers searches organized by topic, and searching of single or multiple search services
- Search Engine Colossus - directory of hundreds of search tools from more than 200 countries around the world
- Search Engine Guide - topical collection of 3000+ engines, directories and portals