Philipp Albrecht of Wurttemberg - Honorary
Philipp Albrecht,
Duke of Württemberg (George Philipp Albrecht Carl Maria Joseph Ludwig Hubertus Stanislaus Leopold Herzog
von Württemberg, 14 November 1893 – 17 April 1975) was the son of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, and
Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria. He was born in Stuttgart, and became head of the formerly
reigning royal House of Württemberg on the death of his father in 1939. He died in Ravensburg, aged 81.

His first marriage was to Archduchess Helena of Austria,
Princess of Tuscany (born 30 October 1903 in Linz; died 8 September 1924 in Tübingen), daughter of Archduke Peter Ferdinand
of Austria (younger son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany) and Princess Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (daughter
of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta), on 24 October 1923 in Altshausen. They had one daughter: