International Bailiwicks and Commanderies
The Teutonic Order of Saint Marys Hospital
in Jerusalem - Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden, would like to invite individuals of good standing to petition for
International Membership of the Teutonic Order and to help establish New International Bailiwicks and Commanderies of the
Teutonic Order. Whereas membership is open to both male and female petitioners, If you have a serious interest in formal
Membership of the Teutonic Order and would like to contribute through the Orders International Membership program. The Teutonic
Order - Deutscher Orden are looking for new members to join the Order in the following Countries: Spain, Portugal, France,
Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, Cyprus, Greece, South
Africa, Finland, Croatia, Canada, United States of America, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Malta and New
Zealand, to become part of new Commandries in the above listed Countries, to be headed by new Commanders / Komtur, which
in time will develop into new Bailiwicks for the Order, as such the Teutonic Order is looking for Individuals to become
Bailiffs and Commanders of the Order in the various countries listed above. If your Country is not listed above, you may
still petition for membership. The Order would be interested in
the ideas and participation of individuals of good standing in the above new creations and enlargement of the Order Internationally,
whereas if you live in a country not listed above, you may still petition for membership of the Order.
The Procedure
for Petition of Membership of the
Teutonic Order of St Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem
Individuals may formally petition for a Rank of Knighthood within
the Teutonic Order - Deutscher Order - German Order, but certain Ranks are reserved within the Teutonic Order, namely the
Knights Grand Cross of the Teutonic Order and the Knights of the Honour of the Teutonic Order, whose member Knights are Roman
Catholic by Faith and Tradition, together with the Protestant Knights of Honour of Brandenburg and Utrecht, the aforementioned
Ranks of Knighthood are closed Ranks of the Order, only open to persons of German descent who are invited to join by the Hochmeister
through personal invitation only, whereas certain persons may petition for the formal Rank of Associate Knight of the Teutonic
Order within the Ranks of the Marian Knights of the Cross, Knights of the Cross and Knights of the Livonian Cross, therefore
formal admission into the Chivalric arm of the Order as an Associate Knight of the Teutonic Order is open to persons who are
of the Christian Faith only and who wish to collaborate in the chivalrous spirit and in the furtherance of the statutes of
the Christian Faith and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

A candidate
may apply for membership of the Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden by forwarding a Petition which should include documentation
of their curriculum vitae, whereas a candidates possible eligibility for nomination as a Marian Associate Knight - Ritter
of the German Brother Order - Deutscher Bruderorden, will be submitted to the Council of Induction of the Hochmeister of the
Teutonic Order, who will then advise the candidate of the Orders decision concerning the candidates admission request thereon,
all correspondence should be sent to Hochmeisters Private Office by emailing all enquires and requests to: kontakt@deutscherorden.com

Membership -
For further information
concerning membership of the Order - please contact
Private Office of the Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden
In the prologue of Teutonic Order's Book it reads:
"Real Knighthood does not only know the time-bound form of swordplay,
which has passed; the actual composure of chivalrous men is rather
expressed in their commitment for the Lord's Kingdom, for protecting
the defenseless, for helping the maltreated, those beset, the condemned
and those in need." It is the pronounced goal of the Knights, Brothers,
Sisters and Marian Associates of the German Order to jointly implement
this composure, abiding by the Order's motto "Helping and Healing".